Digital Tips from 4 Oriflame Leaders!

We asked four fast-growing Leaders to share their best tips for building an Oriflame business online. Here’s what they said.

Olga and Robert Shaymardanovy from Russia
“Our main advice for creating a successful online business is to regularly post great quality content on your social media networks to reach a large audience. Use the tools available to you, like chat functions, mobile messaging and webinars. This gives you the opportunity to reach people quickly and efficiently, and helps you establish a training system online.”

Meghan Strickland from the United Kingdom
“My biggest tip for growing your business online is to follow-up. You can build a huge following on social media, but without the follow-up your network is zero!”

Cindy Silmina from Indonesia
“My number one tip is to develop a solid personal brand on social media. You must engage people by persistently sharing your dreams, goals, achievements and how to achieve your ambitions. Social media is the perfect place to do this.”

Diana and Juan Pablo from Mexico
¨Our best tip for growing your business online is to share your team’s success in social media videos - showing their stories and things that others can identify with. It generates a double effect: it works as a recognition for the members of your team, but it also attracts new prospects who can relate. If he can do it, then so can I. Another great factor is to show real people. Users are tired of seeing products and offers, they want to see something different, something that provokes emotions and feelings. Something that can only be achieved by sharing your life!¨

Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Olga and Robert Shaymardanovy, Meghan Strickland, Cindy Silmina, Diana and Juan Pablo