Trend Report: Optical Illusions

We have seen the optical illusion trend on major runways the past two seasons. But what is it, how do you wear it, and what makeup goes with it? Check out our trend report!

Optical Illusions (or Trompe I’oeil) is a technique used by designers to change the perspective, dimension or placement of details, in order to create something that isn’t there. It was first seen in the fashion circuit in the 1920’s, and today it’s often used to change the shape of a garment, or to add details like layers, belts or collars.

This trend has been featured by some of the world’s biggest luxury brands. Moschino is one of the brands that have gone all in, and created entire collections based on this trend. Check out the SS17 collection for inspiration. Gucci has also created illusion-inspired pieces in their SS16 and Cruise 2018 collections. When it comes to accessories Moschino SS17 and Prada FW17/18 are top of mind.

Few budgets can cover a luxury brand like Gucci or Prada. So, how can you wear this trend without breaking the bank? Our first tip is to go for a fun accessory. Our Disguise Bag is a great example of an affordable fashion statement, that will make people take a second look. You can also DIY your own t-shirts by painting collars, buttons or pockets.

When choosing a transformative fashion look, you need a makeup bag that’s up for the challenge. Keep a simple base, then play around with colours and patterns. The ONE Lip Sensation is perfect for fearless lips and with The ONE Long Wear Nail Polish you can create killer graphic nail art. Complete your look with the bold and deliciously gourmand-inspired The ONE Disguise Eau de Parfum.

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