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VIP Customer
Free £0

You love shopping and want to enjoy VIP perks and rewards.

Free delivery

As a VIP, you always get free delivery on orders over £45.

Get rewarded for shopping

For every purchase, you’ll earn Beauty Reward Points – which you can redeem for free products. Plus, you get free product samples with every order and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Beauty advice

Every question, always answered! As a VIP, we connect you with a Brand Partner, who will give you the right beauty advice and help you buy the right products the first time.

Brand Partner
Joining Fee £19

You are passionate about beauty and enjoy sharing beauty tips and trends with friends.

Make money now

Make extra money, in your own time. Join today and make money on your first sale. Get paid weekly with Revolut, learn more here

Work from home

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Tools and Trainings

We’ll support you with top-notch digital tools and a variety of trainings in beauty and business.

*The joining fee covers the first 12 months and a renewal fee of £10 applies annually thereafter.