Meet the winner of the Oriflame Trend Award: Amanda Borgfors Mészáros

Oriflame continues its collaboration with Sweden’s prestigious Beckmans College of Design in supporting the dreams of young designers. Now in its 3rd year, the winner of Oriflame Trend Award gets to design an accessories collection exclusively for Oriflame. We caught up with this year’s prize winner to learn more about her work and inspiration.

Amanda, what is it that first got you into fashion?
I wanted to work with communication and the human body. I see fashion as the main tool that helps us communicate a certain style, mood or vision.

What is it about fashion that inspires you the most?
It’s the new generation of fashion. I’m thrilled to be a part of this new generation that can both work as individuals and as a collective force to make sustainable change within fashion and its related industries. I’m also constantly inspired by contemporary cultures, art, and music.

You’ve shown your Beckmans collections at Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Paris Fashion Weeks -- How does it feel to now have won the Oriflame Trend Award?
It feels wonderful!! I am very humbled to have gotten this opportunity to reach out to a new audience, worldwide. This experience has developed and challenged me as a designer, which is fantastic.

How did you first approach the Trend Award project?
I started early with 3D development, made my own samples in metal threads and paper. I researched city lights -- the different patterns that night lights create when in motion on camera. It gave me the ability to be kind of free in product development in the beginning.

What about the Night Lights inspired you?
I was very inspired by the pulse and the city feeling. I really liked the idea of audacity, it makes a strong impression. The neon/party feeling and such bright, luminous colours is something I normally don’t work with, so it was very exciting for me to be able to work with that kind of theme and feeling. It really developed my way of thinking and designing.

It’s a bold look, for women who love to stand out. Is this something you can connect to personally?
Yes! I believe that my design aesthetic is very bold in general. I love to stand out, both as a designer but also as a person, in the way I dress and act.

What was it like working with Oriflame to design your own range of accessories?
Katrin Romare (Head of Oriflame Accessories Design) and the Oriflame team were very supportive and positive. They invited me to test my ideas and allowed me to be very creative. They believed in me all the way from idea to finished product.

Oriflame is in over 60 countries around the world, did you keep this in mind when designing your pieces?
I did. I believe that my designs are very clean and have a certain classic feel, but in a bold and innovative way. The cuts and shapes are made to fit a wide range of ages, and to also fit with a lot of different styles of clothes.

Do you think your designs reflect your Swedish background in any way?
Absolutely! I think that the clean looks and shapes have strong roots in the classic “Swedish design aesthetic.” The items also have a wide possibility to be styled with many different outfits, which I personally think is a very sustainable way of designing, and very Swedish in thinking.

Your collection is very versatile, what’s your favourite look?
I really like the way you can use the snake chain from the bag and have it as a necklace, use it with the scarf, or ‘simply’ attach to the bag as the shoulder strap.

What are you most proud of?
In particular, I’m very proud of the black shoulder bag because of the classic yet bold statement it makes. The whole collection feels confident, visionary, clean and contemporary. I’m very happy with the end result. It really reflects my way of working.

Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Amanda Borgfors Meszaros