The 5 Best Hair and Makeup Looks of Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway, currently trotting the world premiering her new movie Interstellar, is no stranger to stealing the show. With enviably big eyes and luminous pale skin, it’s no surprise that a quick look through her hair and beauty file reveals some amazing looks we want to steal right away. Take a look at her 5 best hair and makeup moments!

1 Polished to perfection
Sleek shiny hair, porcelain skin and dark red lips. This look is polished to perfection!






2 Preppy chic
Sometimes less is more. We love Anne in this ballerina bun paired with simple makeup!





3 The smokey cateye
This look is all about inventiveness, we love how she has and combined the classic smokey eye with a twist of a cateye!





4 Classic beauty
This look, which Anne wore to the Oscars, was simply stunning. The simple eye liner paired with luminous skin and light pink lipstick instantly gave her a soft feminine look.




Blonde vixen
Blonde pixie hair and metallic smokey eye gave Anne a striking beauty look. Notice how she has left her lips nude to let her eyes and eye brows take center stage.

Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Getty Images