Meet the Winner of the Oriflame Trend Award

Last year, Oriflame launched it’s first-ever Trend Award, selecting a student from the prestigious Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm, to create an exclusive accessories range for Oriflame. We caught up with prize-winner, Siah Javaheri, as she awaits the unveiling of her collection to the public.

How did it feel to be awarded the Oriflame Trend Award?
When I found out that I’d won I was incredibly surprised – I never expected to win! I don’t think I’ve really understood how big this is yet. A lot of designers need to work for years before getting a product out to a large market and I’m getting to do it now - I couldn’t be happier!

And what was the experience of designing an accessories collection for Oriflame like?
It was incredible. The brief was to create three to five accessories – but we actually finished off with six. I was free to create whatever I wanted, but I decided to create bags because I had done that before, and then I felt a scarf would be a nice compliment to the bags. I also wanted to design jewellery because you need a skilled team to create prototypes, making it hard to do on your own, so this was a great opportunity.

Have you tried creating jewellery before?
I create leather bags and bracelets for my own brand, but I’ve always been interested in using metal and stones. I actually have a history of jewellery making in my family; my father, grandfather and great grandfather were all in the fine jewellery business, so I’ve grown up with jewellery around me

Did you ask for your family’s input then?
I showed my father some sketches, but the process was fast I had to make my own decisions – he trusts my taste though!

How did you find inspiration for the collection?
The artist Giacomo Balla, who I first heard about at a lecture at school, inspired the collection. I thought that the way Balla illustrated movement and speed was so interesting – he had a groundbreaking way of thinking. I wanted to use that. For example, the lines and curves of the bags were inspired by Balla’s suit drawings that featured asymmetric lines that were so different from the traditional suits of his time.

Your collection will be sold all over the world, did you bare this in mind when you were designing it?
I thought about that a lot. That’s your job as a designer – to think about the end customer. I thought it would be great if I could create a collection that would speak to women everywhere. I loved the challenge!

Do you have a favourite piece?
Erm...That’s like asking someone to pick their favourite child! It’s too difficult - I love them all.

Perhaps a feature that is particularly special?
The black pearl in the jewellery collection is incredibly symbolic for me because one of our close family friends used to call me the black pearl when I was younger – he said I was very rare. So yes that is an important feature for me.

That’s beautiful! Do you have a most treasured item in your personal jewellery collection?
I do have a ring, which I never wear because it’s too precious! It’s an old antique that is shaped like a flower. I got it from my mother and it’s been in the family for years. 
Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Oriflame