7 Ways to Stay in Shape This Winter

Tired of doing the same workouts week in and week out? Then mix it up with some of the most popular trainings right now!

Want the grace of a ballerina? Then Barre is the go-to trend for you! It’s a combination of classic ballet positions, strength and core exercises where you do small, one-inch movements. In most cases it’s bodyweight only, but light weights and resistance bands can also be incorporated into the class. The result is great natural posture and enhanced flexibility and strength.

Looking for a kick-ass workout? Well, it doesn’t get more intense than martial arts. Whether you go for the in-your-face sports like boxing and karate, or want a contact-free alternative like Fight Club or Aerobic Kickboxing, you’re in for a stress releasing experience. It will also tone your muscles, improve your cardio and most importantly - boost your confidence!

Forget brick walls and roof tops. Parkour and free running gyms can give you an equally thrilling experience. Built to mimic obstacles of the outside world (without the threat of plummeting into bone-crushing pavement) they give you the chance to push your strength, agility and mobility to the limit.

Always dreamt of becoming an acrobat? Well, this is the next best thing. Hanging in hammocks, you do a mix of Yoga, Pilates and acrobatic-inspired moves that decompress your back and improve your strength and flexibility. Plus, it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face!


If it’s an adrenaline rush you’re after, climbing is your best bet! The feeling after you complete a wall, and look down to see how many meters you’ve covered, is priceless. And it’s a great full-body workout. In most indoor facilities you can climb with a top rope or try bouldering, which is a shorter wall without the harness. Different techniques, but equally fun.

Cellulites. We all have them, and it’s no biggie! But sometimes it’d be nice to tone them down a bit. And foam rolling could be the perfect solution. This self-massage releases muscle tensions and helps to keep muscles elastic and healthy. The best part is that you can foam roll at home with two simple tools: a foam roller and the Internet. YouTube has tons of great tutorials!

Love the idea of jogging, but struggle to motivate yourself? There’s a cure for that! Group running is not only adding a social component to an otherwise isolated sport. It will also spur you to perform better and help you learn new techniques. So, whether you run outdoors or on a treadmill, make sure your next session isn’t alone.

Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Logan Weaver, Roya Ann Miller, Budgeron Bach