5 Travel-Friendly Workouts

For most people vacation means relaxation. As in letting go of everyday routines and live the most extravagant lifestyle possible. But if you want to keep exercising, to stay energised and feel good about yourself, we suggest you try these five travel-friendly workouts.

Get a great workout without spending hours at the gym. A WOD (Work Out of the Day) involves a set of exercises you should complete in a short time frame. There are plenty of apps or YouTube videos you can follow to push yourself to the limit!

Get a workout and a tan at the same time! Classic beach sports like volleyball or beach tennis are not only super fun, but the resistance of the sand will make leg day seem like child’s play. Psst…don’t forget to wear plenty of sunscreen, sunglasses and something to cover your head.

Give in to your adventurous side and explore your new surroundings by foot. You can burn an average of 200 calories per hour, so don’t underestimate the power of walking!

Swimming is perfect training in hotter weather - it lets you cool off and get a full-body workout at the same time. Win-win! You can also try some water aerobics for extra toning.

Find a quiet place in the shade and enjoy the relaxing mood a holiday brings. With a Yoga session, you can make your workout as advanced as you like – either working on strength and balance, or focusing on giving your muscles a deep stretch and improved flexibility.

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