Perfect Chemistry: The People Behind Our Products

Oriflame was the first direct-selling company in Europe to offer skin care products based on natural ingredients. And we can thank the incredible people working in Research and Development for that. So, take the chance to learn more about R&D and what they do!

Oriflame has a long history in natural skin care. In 1967, Oriflame introduced products with less perfume, that used herbs and plant extracts to reduce allergy risk. This soon became an industry trend – making us pioneers in natural skin care.

We have always had a relentless desire to improve and progress to find the most effective and sustainable skin care solutions possible. And our commitment to nature and the environment has only grown stronger over time. Our chemists search tirelessly for new natural active ingredients. They investigate plants from all over the world, as well as other natural sources like the marine kingdom, biotechnology, and even the human body. And they’ve made great breakthroughs along the way.

For example, Oriflame was the very first brand to introduce UVA protection into a natural skin care range, and is the only direct-selling company to have developed plant stem cells in-house. More recently, our EcoBeauty range was the first of its kind to be approved by four leading independent global bodies – Fairtrade, Ecocert, the Vegan Society and Forest Steward Council.

These amazing breakthroughs were made possible thanks to the unique, forward-thinking culture at Oriflame. And our Senior Vice President of Research & Development, Mary Lord, has played a key role in building this culture.

Currently, she has been with the company for 35 years, and right from the start she made sure we recruited, not only the most qualified and experienced scientists, but people who could see the bigger picture of their work and think ahead of the rest.

Today we have over 100 creative, curious and imaginative scientists from all over the world, working at R&D facilities in two countries – Sweden and Ireland. Together they form a team obsessed with innovation, and their inclusive family culture is envied across the globe.

Constant innovation demands testing, and R&D apply the same inventive attitude here. Having our own in-house clinical testing facilities, Ori-derm, allows our scientists to design clinical studies and test that otherwise would be impossible.

For example, the team recently had the idea to measure the results of our complete skin care routine, compared to the ones achieved with individual products. They found that the routine leads to 7 times better results than what each product can generate on its own. Hence, helping our customers reach the results they want! So, R&D is essential in our efforts to create positive change and help others change their lives for the better.

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