What causes hyperpigmentation and other skin tone discolourations?

If you’ve ever struggled with an uneven skin tone, you know how frustrating it can be. Many of us are familiar with hyperpigmentation and dark spots, but there are other kinds of skin tone discolourations that are just as annoying, but less talked about. Find out the causes of different kinds of skin tone discolourations below!

Hyperpigmentation & dark spots
Hyperpigmentation like dark spots and melasma are forms of skin tone discolouration that show up as dark spots or darker patches of skin. This kind of uneven skin tone is caused by melanin overproduction due to stress, UV overexposure, ageing or pollution, with UV overexposure being the most common reason. These stressors cause oxidative stress in the skin which trigger a cascade of messengers that tell the skin cells to produce more melanin to protect the cells from harm. Melanin production due to sun exposure is completely normal, your body is just doing what it can to keep you safe from the sun. However, when the body is exposed to these kinds of stressors, the melanin production can go into overdrive causing dark spots.

Click here for some tips on how to address .

Reddish skin tone
Patches of skin redness and increased skin reactivity are caused by uncontrolled inflammatory messages in the skin induced by stress, UV over-exposure, pollution, harsh cleansing, or poor diet. Basically, it’s your skin’s way of saying “I’m worried about you, we need to sit down and talk about what’s stressing you out”. It can be difficult to pin down the reason for skin redness, but a good start is having a look at your lifestyle and using products that are calming to the skin.

Dull or greyish skin tone
You know that pallid look you get after many sleepless nights, in the dead of winter (in the northern hemisphere) or many stressful weeks at work? That’s what we call a dull or greyish skin tone. If your skin looks like you’ve just risen from the grave your skin may suffer from a lack of moisture, rough skin texture, and dead skin cells and impurities on the skin’s surface. These issues are often caused by a loss of cellular energy, increased stress and collagen destruction in the skin.

Yellowish skin tone
Sallow skin or yellow patches are caused by lower blood circulation, inflammation and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can lead to a process called glycation, which means that excess glucose (sugar) sticks to molecules like keratin and collagen. End-products of the glycation process can create yellow-brown deposits, which can cause the skin to look yellowish (unless it’s extremely yellow, in which case you may want to contact a medical professional.)

As annoying as skin tone discolourations can be, there are things that can be done! Keep your eyes open for a new NovAge launch coming your way!

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