What Makes Men's Skin Unique?

Although there are many similarities, men’s skin is very different from women’s. Primarily, this is due to testosterone – the main male hormone which causes men to have thicker, more resistant skin, facial hair and comparatively high levels of sweat production.

By nature, testosterone also causes elevated levels of sebum production which makes men’s skin oilier. And when you take into account that men have larger pores it’s easy to understand why their skin is more at risk of attracting grime and becoming clogged with dirt and oil.

Some good news for men is that ageing signs in male skin are actually delayed compared to women’s. But the bad news is, when they do appear, the ageing process accelerates dramatically. This contributes to a tired look that men want to avoid at all costs because insights show they perceive this to be truly revealing of their age.

Another unique factor is that testosterone-charged skin needs to be energised. Without this, its youthful appearance fades prematurely and signs of ageing set in. Facial hair also plays its part. Men with beards are more likely to have dirt and oil building up in the hairs, while men who shave regularly are submitting their skin to additional, unwanted stress. The good news is, NovAge Men is engineered to address all of these unique needs. The range features customised, male-specific anti-ageing products and textures that can absorb deeply and energise the skin to offer both instant effect and long-term benefits.

I have a beard. Can I still use NovAge Men?
Absolutely! Men who prefer the bearded look can still enjoy the best possible care for their skin using NovAge Men.
Top priority is to cleanse and exfoliate because beards are famous for attracting dirt and can also elevate skin oiliness. At the other end of the spectrum, facial hair can also sap moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. So, start with using NovAge Men Purifying & Exfoliating Cleanser. If you’re sporting stubble or a shorter beard this is as easy as being clean shaven. For men favouring a longer beard (1–1.5cm) all it takes is a few extra seconds working the cleanser in amongst the hairs to target the skin underneath. When it comes to the BOOST and MOISTURISE steps of your routine, apply NovAge Men Energising & Hydrating Booster and NovAge Men Intense Anti-Ageing Face Gel Lotion to cleansed face and neck – including your beard – again working down to the skin. Both products absorb easily into the skin without leaving a greasy feel and your facial hair will no doubt appreciate the extra moisture.

Some Oriflame ranges have 6 products, why does NovAge Men have only 4?
Traditionally, men are accustomed to using fewer products to care for their skin, which is why NovAge Men features a slimmed-down range of products when compared to other NovAge ranges (e.g. Ultimate Lift, True Perfection). The result is a simplified routine that saves you time (not to mention space in your weekend bag) without sacrificing on performance.

Skrevet af: Fotografier af: Oriflame